...so you know there's already something going on. Unfortunately, I don't know what that is.
Yesterday I had a long, weird day, with some happy things and some not-so-happy things. So let me prattle of the happy things and summarize the not-so.
Yesterday I managed to do the wiggle, which is this route that goes from the Mission to the Haight (which is usually up a very steep hill if you actually take Haight from Market), of a series of slowly inclining roads, which requires alot of turning and hence looks like a "wiggle" (well, more of a squiggle) on a map.

I will be completely honest in my lack of fitness, and will say that at a few points during the ride, I was near the point of vomiting, but not quite there. The best would be when I'd be going up a road that didn't even look like it had an incline, the wind would be blowing, I would be pedaling with all my might and barely moving. Classic. But when I made it, it was glorious, Panhandle park is beautiful, quiet and quaint (that long park that I ride alongside in the upper lefthand corner of my route) and as my sister said, I really did forget how bad the ride was all the way up when I rode through the Panhandle.
So I mean, the good part was that I made it up to the Haight successfully, made it back down to the hardware store on Market and 14th, made it back home (down some very steep hills mind you), and when I finally did get home, I promptly fell off my bike right in front of my door. I was too busy concentrating on singing Edelweiss from The Sound of Music.
Also, I bought some really nice discounted shirts on the Haight. A much-needed purchase. And installed (after some time) a new rail for the kitchen drawer which has actually been broken since we moved in a year ago, I just never got around to doing anything about it. I mean, the best part of the day was that I survived a long bike ride, which was basically preparation for my endeavor to ride my bike to school on school days since now my classes are in a different building, way closer to home, and not across the street from a gaggle of tourists speed walking to see the passed-out "Seals of Pier 39" that probably don't even know they're alive.
And now onto the iffy stuff. Let's just say I had a lunch date with a few friends, none of whom showed up, and even though I think I've matured over the years, when this happened I totally catapulted back to high school and could not just let it roll off my back. Maybe I was too generous to think of some of them as friends, whatever the reason, I've learned from it, but it did put a damper on the day. Next on the shitlist is the damn fucking drawer rails.
I purchased then from the hardware store after finding them fast and easily (should have known), went home, opened the packaging, INSTALLED THE RAILS, went to the put the drawer in and realized that it doesn't fit!!! The stupid drawer was made for under mounted rails not side mounted rails. Now this would have been a no brainer for any normal DIY-er, but obviously not to me. So this is what happened: The old rail system had two rails with one roller missing, which meant the whole drawer weight would rest on the one roller on one side and with the imbalance of weight, the roller would pop off the rail causing the whole drawer to shift and jam. So over the last year we've gotten used to being very careful when pulling out that drawer. Go to the hardware store and see there's a two rail system, which are side mounted, and a single rail undermount system. So what do I go for? A match in quantity, not style. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
So I had to take all the screws out of the wrong system, pack it up, haul ass to the hardware store, on my bike, no less, with a small messenger bag which meant the rails were sticking out of the bag at an angle which would explain why I was standing there, on the street, supporting my bike with my legs while trying to reach the one rail that I dropped (I'm still thanking goodness that it didn't go through the spokes when it fell, otherwise I would be flat on the ground, crawling towards the dropped rail).
Back to the hardware store, purchase the single undermount rail, get home and install that one. The drawer makes a weird noise when pulling out and pushing in right when it's close to the cabinet, but I was so fed up with life at that point that I just left the damn thing be. It works.
Oh did I mention that some weird guy started talking to me while I was waiting at an intersection on the way back from the hardware store the second time? Yeah, it weirded me out.
Oh, oh and on top of that, I'm awake for no good reason except that when I got up to check on the weird scratching noises Moo was making, I discovered some kitty-diarrhea on my bedroom floor (damn carpet). Weirdly enough I wasn't mad, I mean, she can't help it right? I'm just glad she didn't poo on my bed. Plus, she seem apologetic enough.
So after that whole sordid story, I think it's time to give sleep a try, and hope that tomorrow (or really, today) is a better one.
Turns out that the "present" that Moo left for me in my room was probably a hairball, which makes me feel better. At least she's probably not sick.