Greetings from Bangkok! I basically flew here, dropped my bags and went to work for my sister's wedding, then a few days after all the wedding stuff was done (a full week after I had arrived) we sped off to the south of Thailand to hang out at Phi Phi for two nights then to Krabi for four. We just got back last night, and this morning set to work figuring out who gave my sister what, writing a list and cataloging it in the computer. Dad's upstairs taking a nap, my mom and sister are off entertaining the brother-in-law's family and I'm here, finishing up the spreadsheet. Good times.
I uploaded some "Thailand" pictures onto facebook, and have yet to do so for flickr, as I'm a little skeptical at the ability of my computer to load the massive load of photos I've got that have been taken over the last two weeks, many of which are of flowers I saw in Phi Phi. Alas, I've got these two on blogger as a taste for you, although I think I see a little message from blogger saying they can't connect, which means my internet just punked out. 'Tis life with a shitty internet connection.

Krabi sunset at Aonang Beach
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