Like I said in the last post, I have work to do, yet I'm not doing it. I have two finals due, one is two drawings from photos in charcoal, and the other is rendering (2D coloring) a perspective in photoshop. Yet instead of doing either one of these, I'm listening to Pandora and puttering around with blogger and flickr and occasionally taking my new camera out of its protective sleeve and looking at it.

And of course taking pictures of it with the old Nikon Coolpix 3100. I feel like I'm cheating on my dumpy old camera with the new sexy and sleek one. I mean, look at that sweet, clean case and the totally retro black circle? I know it's giving you chills just thinking about it. Give in and admit it. I mean, the Canon's newer, smaller, and definitely less bulky than it's predecessor. It also got 7.1 megapixels and 3x optical zoom, the 3100 has 3.2 MP and the same 3x optical, as well as numerous scratches and dings from yours truely. The main reason for buying a new snapper is that the Nikon doesn't use a rechargable lithium ion battery and so I'm spending alot of money on those batteries. Hell, I could have probably bought a new camera with all the money I've spent on batteries over the last few years. I should have invested sooner, and I almost did, in a Casio 7.2MP Exilim, but ended up not keeping it for a number of reasons, mainly that it was a very bad camera.
Oh and the decision was bumped up in priority when my sister exclaimed "Your camera is shit, get a new one." after borrowing it for a day. Of course she was comparing it to her Sony Cybershot whose battery hadn't finished charging that day.
The image above compares the Canon to a business card, the business card belonging to a friend of Bryant's,
Dave Crossland. See how small it is? The Nikon is a little taller in comparison and WAY thicker. Eek. Now I can live in fear of the day I scratch this brand new sucker. I'll need to buy a hard case pronto. I still recall the day I caused the biggest scratch on the Nikon. At the zoo in the Seattle, it was of course not in its case because it would have been too big to fit in my purse and so when I dropped said purse, a couple of nice scratches on the screen and a nice paint-lifting ding on the body appeared.
I have hardly any discipline now that it's the last week of school, I need to eat, and then just sit down and draw. Let me turn on some classical music to inspire me. Oh yeah, I only have
Bach and Tschaicovsky still. Ugh.
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