Sunday, July 22, 2007


Okay, so I don't drink to begin with, the last time I had a drink was a few weeks ago and it was a tiny one, before that, I can't even remember that far back. But yesterday I was faced with two people that reminded me so clearly of why I don't drink. Let me set the stage...

It's 11 PM, I'm standing in front of Golden Boy Pizza in North Beach waiting in line to get a slice since I'm dog-sitting around the corner. There's about seven people in front of me, we're spilling out the doorway of pizza place, waiting our turn, everyone giving each other their personal space when...dun-dun-dun!!!! The drunkard twins step up behind me. Now, if you want to drink to be drunk, that's fine by me, and if you want to make a complete fool of yourself, that's still fine by me, but when you invade my personal space, that is so not fine by me. Honestly, the whole time these two teetering drunkards were standing behind me, not five seconds went by that a breast, elbow, shoulder or some other appendage did not touch me.

I don't make it particularly known that I have personal space issues, and if I know you, or we've hung out, the issue dissapears, but if you're a complete stranger that I'm not even talking to, I have a 18 inch radius upon which I would rather you didn't encroach upon. But these girls were so wasted, I honestly don't think they knew what personal space was, intoxication is not an excuse in my book. On top of the space thing, they were also making complete fools of themselves. Maybe it's because I don't hang out with drinkers, and I'm usually not there when they get drunk, but I was just shaking my head in disbelief at the cartoon-drunkaness of these two. One of them was actually hiccuping, they were both teetering, with arms linked (of course) and kept talking about how "Steve, Steve is soooo in love with you....he...he's always TALKING about how he wants to sp-sp-spend the REST of his life with you..." Notice the caps? That's how they were talking, emphasising random words, stuttering. And on top of that, they were standing in line for pizza and eating sunflower seeds. Which would get stuck to their arms, and they wouldn't notice. Hmm.

Honestly, what's the point in drinking if you're going to get so drunk you're not going to remember what the hell you did? Seems like that would be bad since 1. You just spent money on alcohol that you don't remember consuming 2. You just wasted a night of your life because you don't remember what you did 3. You probably wasted that money you spend because you puked it all back up before you passed out. I still don't understand the puking thing. There was this girl in my freshman year of college that was my friend's roommate and she would "pre-party drink", which consisted of her going through a fourty of vodka before even leaving her house, wobbling to party and then not even going in because she felt sick. Then she would teeter home, vomit along the way, still be drunk so yell at the people with her, get practically naked in front of everyone in her aparment, and then pass out on the floor of her bedroom. And then she'd wake up angry the next day because she didn't know where her money and day went.

Good times.

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