Yeah, you know, you'd think with the two classes I have this semester and the midpoint that I have to do and preparing for directed study I wouldn't have the time to diddle around on the internet, making maps and diagrams showing where I spent my money today, but I do, why? Because all the time that I spent worrying about midpoint and one class is gone, directed studies is somewhat taken care of, so with the little worrying I'm doing for that second class, I've got lots of free time to do what I do best: Making useless diagrams for your viewing pleasure.
Shall we begin?
Below is a map of my travels for today. I took the 47 from 11th and Harrison to Van Ness and Geary, I then took the 38L from there to Geary and 33rd, at which point I transferred (after buying a cup of coffee and cookie, and invariably spilling coffee on myself) to the 18 that took me up to in front of the
Legion of Honor Museum, where I had my figure drawing class today. After spending five hours at the museum, I walked down to Clement 33rd I caught the 2 down Clement to 6th, got off and walked around. First stopped at Kamei, then Schubert's Bakery and then Wing Lee Bakery (to see the bounty, scroll down). Then I walked to Geary and 3rd, caught the 38 back to Van Ness and O'Farrell and then took the 47 back to 11th and Harrison. Each of the little markers in the map below are points of transfers... Just because...

And now for the bounty that was bought today! Each item is listed below, add a little tax from
Kamei, the grand total for today was $23.30. So Let me list where things were bought from, and then you can take your time looking at all these things... The tupperware, sponge holders and slotted frying spoon were from Kamei, a restaurant supply store that also has lots of other kitchen and plastic things that makes me feel like I'm back in Bangkok. Next was
Schubert's Bakery, where the cakes and mousse were purchased, a cute little place, I really like the richness and cuteness of the store. And the last (purchase) stop was
Wing Lee Bakery for some requisite pot stickers and spring rolls. Usually we get porridge and BBQ pork buns there, but I really wasn't in the mood for any of that today.

Other than that, not much interesting stuff happening, some drawing of Rodin sculptures and the museum and a few pictures of the misty morning on the
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