Friday, June 29, 2007

You Know...

...I usually don't have a problem with people that are different than me, but I did have a problem with someone I saw today. A man, wearing a dress. Now it's not the dress I have a problem with, no no no. And it's not even the fact that he was a cross-dresser. The problem was that he almost wasn't even a deliberate cross-dresser. I'm all for men who feel more comfortable in women's clothing or as a woman temporarily or even permanently, but at least go all the way with it. I mean, if you're going to go through the trouble of finding yourself a dress that actually fits you in the right places, growing your hair out and wearing matching clothes, you may as well all over look the part, right? Or even shave? I guess I just haven't been exposed to bearded dress-wearing men enough. Which brings me to another point.

Is it weird for me to like watching documentaries about gay, bisexual, transexual, hermaphrodite or even cross-dressing people? It's not like it fascinates me and I'm always watching those programs. But if one comes on, I'll watch it, and I enjoy learning about different scientific research that people around the world are doing to find out if a person is who they are by how they're nurtured or by nature. For example, this whole Dr. Money and his nurture vs. nature deal when it comes to babies being born with both or disfigured genitals. His whole deal was that if you treat a biological boy as a girl (and he has girl parts), that person will grow up as a girl. But the whole documentary was contrary to that, and they interviewed families that were treated by Dr. Money and showed one end result that I remember in particular. The person always knew something was "wrong", he was born a boy, bad things happened in surgery and so he was "turned into" a girl. But he always wanted to do boy things, and hated his twin brother, and invariably, later in life, decided to become a man. And then there was this other program I watched that was investigating transexuals to see if they wanted to change sex because of their life or it was just who they were. In Germany they were slicing up a transexual's brain to compare that brain to a woman's and a man's. They found that a certain section of the brain more resembled a woman's than a man's, so it's nature right? Predestined? Well, they weren't sure because it could have been attributed to the hormones that the person was taking to go from male to female.

I don't know, psychology still fascinates me, which I guess is why I like watching real-life investigatory crime shows like FBI files that talk about serial killers and how they got caught. Brains are such a mystery and I love learning more.

Went back up that windy hill again. I figure, I'm getting exercise, because not only am I pushing myself diagonally (uphill), but also horizontally (against the wind), so I'm getting at least some of that daily excersise that I'm supposed to get...twice a week. Aren't I supposed to do it everyday for 20 minutes or something?

Don't answer that.

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