I'm sitting in the EVA lounge at San Francisco International, waiting for my flight that won't start boarding for another two hours. Why come so early to sit around and do nothing? Because this way, I'm out of the house, I can't go back even if I forgot something, so everything is out of my hands. The serenity that comes with that realization is astounding. My pre-flight schedule is like clockwork:
- Wake up freaking out because I have until 8PM to get my shit together and finally pack, which I usually leave to the last minute because I end up doing laundry the night before because I'm just that lazy.
- Do all my last minute crap, which today was clean up, wash dishes, throw out all the decomposing food in the fridge, throw bottlecaps all over the apartment for Moo to play with, cut vellum, score, fold and insert into holiday greeting cards, write in greeting cards, seal and send out greeting cards, buy cat treats and cat litter, work on and print out some last minute school stuff, go to school to give to a classmate, return a shirt at Costco and make sure I have everything I need.
- Make sure all the stuff is done, and redo in necessary and pack slowly throughout the day.
- Start seriously freak out an hour before I have to leave the house.
- Pace furiously until my ride gets to the house.
- Get to the airport, wait to check in (I usually end up arriving before the counter's even open, talk about eager) and get to the lounge.
- Begin relaxation.

It sucks that I had to leave a week early, so I had to get all my work done a week early to turn in to my professors, but thank goodness for the internet, because it allows me to turn in a take-home quiz when it's actually due instead of a week early. I have a paper to write and the semester will be officially over. It's so strange because this semester has been absolutely insane, especially the last few weeks, I've been going into work overdrive trying to get everything done on time and somewhat to the quality that would satisfy me. Now I'm pretty much on vacation and damn ready for it. I think I was going to type some other stories, but I can't remember what I was going to type since I didn't write anything down, which I've found is a theme in my life-don't write something down, simply deem it forgotten.
So on this note I end with a quasi-battle cry:
"Bangkok, here I come!!!!"
1 comment:
See you soon & nice cat
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