Originally Posted Nov 1, 2005
I don't know where the hell that line came from but I always use it whenever I remember it, and I guess it would help to know where it came from and what it means, so that when I say the phrase, it might be vaguely relevant to what's going on.
So I'm also a member of friendster.com and hi5.com, both networking sites just like myspace, and on them are friends from my high school back in Bangkok. Mind you, most of these people weren't actually my friends in high school, simply people in my grade that I didn't hate, beat up or spit at. We simply co-existed in a community without really acknowledging each other until completely neccessary.
Which brings me to my point, I have all these people on my list, but everytime I go home I never see them. Is this good or bad? Should I try to get to know them? These seem like nice people, but they like to party, I'm sure I would too, if I still drank and partied and took pictures constantly.
Which takes me to my next point (I've got an outline I prepared, slowly going down the list), how do these people take so many pictures? How do any of the people that I see on myspace have so many pictures? Seriously, most of the pics I have have either been taken by Will or were taken when I was fuck-bored and started taking pictures OF MYSELF.
I mean, these people have pictures for everything, from the club, to the bedroom, to the street corner. I never have my camera with me unless I make a concious decision to bring it, and that's the only reason I even have pictures of Will and I's latest outing with geese. I'm really confounded by this whole picture thing and the fact that I only talk to about 2 people from high school on a regular basis (which really isn't that regular), and this makes me think of how I actually don't see that many people while I'm in Fresno either....
So I guess I answered my own question that these people have tons of pictures because they have friends that have cameras. While I don't. Whatever.
And what's this shit with the sun setting at 4:30 in the afternoon?
ADDED 11/1/05 8:11PM
So it's four hours later and I'm reading this and I'm realising how much of a snobby bitch I am...maaan...not another psychological issue to work on....
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