Howdy everyone, I just recently got a brand spakin' new phone and finally gave in to having a phone that also has a camera in it, and it has come in quite handy since I've had it... I never realised how many pictures got un-taken simply because I didn't have the means to take a picture of it.
So here are some pictures that I've taken in the past few weeks, please pardon the under-par quality, it is a camera phone after all:

Here's a hilarious sign posted outside a parking garage. The fine print you can't really read at the bottom says: "You will also seriously piss off the bitch who pays good money for this garage. And nobody wants that."
A very fast moving, intense kitty named Bella.
Carter doesn't quite know where to lay his head, yet he insists on still sitting Right on the kick stand.
A weird new store in Bloomingdales. Not sure what store it will be, but it definately caught my eye.
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