Okay...so....I think this is how I start most of my blogs, thinking, typing, elipssissing...I have this little OCD this with my USB ports. Nothing sick, just...something that I need to have...I have two USB ports on my laptop, one on top of the other, and in the bottom one, I put the plug to my mouse, because I always need that one, and in the top I put my printer cable because sometimes I don't need my printer, and I'll switch it out to my camera link so I can upload photos, and since I always need my mouse, that one is untouched and on the bottom....
Until this semester...
On more than one occassion, such as a few minutes ago, I will go to unplug the top USB plug and it won't be the printer that comes unplugged, but my mouse! My precious mouse! Deemed USELESS! Quite upsetting I must assure you, and since I am so anal about this, and could not possibly mess this up myself...I have a theory...
Someone has been coming into my apartment and switching my USB cables. And stole one of my bubble spoons.Seriously, one's missing. And took some of my good tupperware. And one of my shirts. A a few socks.
I'm seriously considering this theory to be more than just speculation.
And now before any of you starts thinking I'm completely insane, I'll post some untouched (except for resizing)pictures I took today...can you guess where they were taken?

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