Saturday, October 14, 2006

Gigolo A-Callin'?

Originally Posted Dec 10, 2006

Soooo, I came home this morning, and saw a tiny sheet of paper stuck into my door jamb...I was pretty perplexed, since it didn't look like something from UPS or some weird ad, when in fact it WAS an ad, FOR A WHORE! I didn't even figure it out until I read it properly while already in my apartment, and I just started cracking up. I mean, I live across the street from state, I'm no saying this is the best part of town, but I'm living in the area around school that's usually pretty quiet and non-eventful.

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And so what's with the ratty piece of paper?! I'm insulted that this gigolo thinks that anyone is going to call him when he just writes his stuff on a nasty piece of used paper. Whatever happened to paper ads? With photos? And TYPED TEXT? Where's the seduction in this? Oh wait, he whores for money, so I guess seduction is kept to a minimum. Right. But it used to be such an ART form, what happened to that? To the technique? The mistique? *sigh* Take a page from LiveLinks you hooker, cuz we all know how much I've been wailing for some lovin', and this's just so dissapointing.

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