Friday, March 09, 2007

Insane in the membraaaane...

I can't believe I'm surprised by this, but today I was riding the 14 (Mission st. MUNI) and I came to the realisation that I was surrounded by crazy people. Not just "Oh that person's a little to weird to be normal", but actual talking-to-yourself, arguing-with-yourself, laughing-at-a-joke-that-voice-inside-your-head-made type crazy.

I counted three, THREE people that either walked by me on the bus or was sitting in front of me that were talking to themselves out loud.

The first was a hispanic lady who kept ringing the stop bus line even though she wasn't getting off, and when she finally decided to get off, she was standing at the door (on the inside) looking at the floor in front of me, shaking her head with furrowed brow as if annoyed by the floor. Then there was the asian guy with long hair, dirty fingernails (gross) and black (dirt) addled feet that started yelling at the window, harrumphing because the bus was going too slow.

The last, and my favorite (sarcasm!) one was the Phillipino lady who first started out by moving her jaw in a weird way, not chewing, it was a kind of side-to-side action here, with -of course- furrowed brow, she was heavily concentrating on something who knows what, and moving her nose in a weird way (the bus was actually going really slowly, there was construction on the road so I had alot of time to analyze this woman). That moved on to her moving her small bag from on her lap, to the seat next to her, to the floor, back to the seat, her lap then finally the seat again. Then when were actually in gridlock because we had one lane on a usually two lane super busy road, she turned around to face the driver (she was sitting in a seat facing the back of the bus) and started making loud comments (in Phillipino) to herself and laughing (really loudly) about -I'm presuming- how slow we were going. I mean, it's nice to have a chuckle about how the we're going at a snail's pace, but it was as if she was talking to someone, that someone being the back of the aforementioned crazy asian guy's head (who of course was too busy harumphing to himself to take notice).

Anyway, I was on the F-line going to school when I started contemplating how the 14 has a higher concentration of crazy than any other bus I've been on, except any Haight bus, that's pretty much 75% crazy people on there.


Subliminal Transmission said...

Don't worry, Asha. These characters you've described are also present on Melbourne's public transport on a regular basis. Some are funny but there are also ones that look for trouble. Just gotta not look them in the eyes.

yoni said...

Hi Asha. Insightful observations. Maybe next time you should converse with them, to gauge the depth of their insanity. Perhaps they're not as crazy as they'd have us believe. Or perhaps, more interestingly, they're even crazier than we think. Please let us know.

Anonymous said...

yes, i agree with yoni.... engage in conversation with them!! seriously, my most favorit clients are the truly crazy ones! they make things so much more interesting...