Monday, January 22, 2007


So I have been floating in and out of conciousness all day today.

In fact, I've been floating in and out of conciousness all my life, but everyone I hang out with already knows that.

It's especially apparent today, because I've got a cold, not a particularly bad one, just stuffy yet snotty nose, with a precurser of three days of inflamed tonsils and pain swallowing, I honestly can't say which one is worse, my nose is runny but dry and painful, but at least now I can swallow without having to look down to see who's stabbing me with a small, sharp knife.

So I woke up this morning wondering:

Q1. Why is it so dark?
A1. Because I still haven't gotten used to my curtains actually blocking out light.

Q2. Why is someone stabbing me in the shoulder?
A2. Because I slept with three pillows under me so I don't suffocate in my sleep.

Q3. Why do I get sick so often?
A3. Because mother nature hates me for eating her children and therefore covers everything in dust, my archnemisis.

Then I checked my online class, took a shower and took my place in the living room armchair and zoned, popped out of zone, checked the class, surfed a bit and then meandered back into zoning. I popped out suddenly a few hours ago, only to hear the commotion going on in my neighbor's apartment:

"Oh yeah baby..." *smack* "Oooh!"

Delightful. He's watching porn and I can't move because I'm in the middle of writing a paper and my body has seized up with ache. Oh well, I continue typing my paper with the moans and groans in the background, hoping upon hope that I won't subconciously type "smack me" while comparing my art to Baudrillard's "Death of Reality" theory.

I'm thinking it's a death in reality that this guy is playing porn on his huge sound system uninhibited. And I just heard the T.V. guy on my T.V. say "sucking on a lollipop" and my head snaps up. Oh, it's "How It's Made" and he's talking about how lollipops are made, not quite as weird as I thought.

Oh, speaking of porn, there's this huge imposing building on 14th and Mission, I pass it on my way downtown, it looks pretty run down, broken windows, graffiti everywhere. It used to be an armory, but what is it going to be now? just bought it, and it's going to be where they film their bondage films from now on, click here for the story at Apparently hardly any renovations are needed, being run down and old as it is, things like dark, dirty hallways filled with rats are the perfect accent to an S&M film.

I need to blow my nose, so I'll leave you with this thought:
If I get sick today, touch something, get better and touch that thing again, will I get infected again?

1 comment:

Subliminal Transmission said...

I hate falling sick. And yea, may be if you eat something half way while you're sick, get better and then eat the rest, you get sick again? Actually, I don't think it works like that.