You really don't think how much you breathe while eating until you can't do it through you nose. And I hate it. Not only does breathing while chewing look awful to anyone watching you eat, but it's also not fun to do, and definately increases the risk of choking on your food my accident because you're inhaling through your mouth with food in there.
I'm eating some cold fried rice right now and trust me, I'm being very careful with those little rice kernals. My only other option is to hold my breath until I swallow and then take a breath. Which really isn't much better because as soon as I swallow I'm gasping for air.
At least I feel like I'm getting better. The frequency at which I have blow my nose has reduced, and it doesn't feel like Moo is reaching her tiny paw down my throat and diddling with my tonsils. Hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow, I need to go to some event at school to meet the new director the IAD department and I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate snot in a handshake.
In other news, I'm almost done with this online course! Just a few more days and I'll be done, done, done! Woot! And Moo's been sleeping up a storm (that's really not news I guess).
Ohhhh rolled up so tight!
I don't know if you can see her little eyes, but she is soooo awake.

Must agree which the whole breathing thing. I guess the next dilemma becomes how to sleep at night, then (99% of the time) you snore. Nor pretty :( haha hope your feeling better chicky
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