Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Stealth Moo...
Sewing with Moo

L: Moo wondering what that roll of seaming tape is and "is it battable?" R: Moo posing in the distance while I wonder how I hell I'm going to get this shit done with her sitting on top of the fabric.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Domain change...
I thought I'd let you know in the easiest way possible that the domain for my blog has changed FROM http://buttsrock.blogspot.com TO http://sfht.blogspot.com. If for whatever reason you've decided to link to me from your blog or site, remember to change it because the link won't work under buttsrock anymore.
And in case you were wondering about why the address is SFHT, because I'm sure the minute business is constantly on you mind (and if it is, don't be offended by my sarcasm, I don't mind your obsession), SFHT is superfantastichappytime in initials, and the whole word was a little too long for a web address and superfantastic was taken. I went to that site and it was created August 2004, and has not been updated since its first post. BLAST!
Anyway, I'm sure I'll find some way to let you know, in case you haven't read this post (gasp! blasphemy!) and it gets buried underneath the 14 posts that I will do today.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Trip to the pet store!
Sunday Night...
Saturday, January 27, 2007
And it still makes me giggle...
And I know that you really can't tell whether this is a manatee or a dugong since you can't see whether its tail is forked or not, and which ever they are their "slow moving, [and] curious nature" is the cause for their diminishing population, since it can make them really vulnerable to boat propellers and fishing gear, AND that really this video is completely exploiting their nature. But this video is hilarious.
And I bet it's that manatee's curious nature thinking "What the fuck are those weirdos looking at?" that propels him/her towards the glass anyway.
Booyah! You probably can't see it because I didn't use the flash and it's blurry and there's a bunch of junk underneath it because all the stuff I stored in the old desk had to go somewhere. But yeah, a little drawer thing to store all my junk (who knew I had that much computer junk), maybe a bedside table instead of my file box, and I'm pretty much good to go. I'm still trying to find out what "style" this table is, they listed it as a Parsons table at the thrift store, so not, and my interior design books help me squat.
And so I leave you with a picture of Moo, in her new window ledge/spot/bed, that she has finally gotten used to, and climbs up there all on her own now! She loves watching the birds fly by and the traffic crawl along the 101. Doncha love the grey sky? Haven't had too much sunny weather in the past few days. Grrr.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Goliath...'nuff said
So the story is that this "stray" cat got stuck in someone's cat/doggy door while trying to pilfer from cat food for himself. Yeah, like any stray is seriously that obese. The local news caught light of this hilarity and ran it on the news, at which point the owner realised it was his cat, called up and got his cat back. Q. How does a cat get that big???? A. I have no fucking clue, but I'm putting Moo on a strict diet of 1/2 cup of cat food per day, (not that she really eats that much to begin with, or that she eats people food, and the SPCA told me to give her 1/2 a cup of food per day) for fear that she will BALLOON into this huge leviathon that is Goliath. Ai.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Aiiiiiiiii *snort*
I don't know if you can see her little eyes, but she is soooo awake.

Monday, January 22, 2007
In fact, I've been floating in and out of conciousness all my life, but everyone I hang out with already knows that.
It's especially apparent today, because I've got a cold, not a particularly bad one, just stuffy yet snotty nose, with a precurser of three days of inflamed tonsils and pain swallowing, I honestly can't say which one is worse, my nose is runny but dry and painful, but at least now I can swallow without having to look down to see who's stabbing me with a small, sharp knife.
So I woke up this morning wondering:
Q1. Why is it so dark?
A1. Because I still haven't gotten used to my curtains actually blocking out light.
Q2. Why is someone stabbing me in the shoulder?
A2. Because I slept with three pillows under me so I don't suffocate in my sleep.
Q3. Why do I get sick so often?
A3. Because mother nature hates me for eating her children and therefore covers everything in dust, my archnemisis.
Then I checked my online class, took a shower and took my place in the living room armchair and zoned, popped out of zone, checked the class, surfed a bit and then meandered back into zoning. I popped out suddenly a few hours ago, only to hear the commotion going on in my neighbor's apartment:
"Oh yeah baby..." *smack* "Oooh!"
Delightful. He's watching porn and I can't move because I'm in the middle of writing a paper and my body has seized up with ache. Oh well, I continue typing my paper with the moans and groans in the background, hoping upon hope that I won't subconciously type "smack me" while comparing my art to Baudrillard's "Death of Reality" theory.
I'm thinking it's a death in reality that this guy is playing porn on his huge sound system uninhibited. And I just heard the T.V. guy on my T.V. say "sucking on a lollipop" and my head snaps up. Oh, it's "How It's Made" and he's talking about how lollipops are made, not quite as weird as I thought.
Oh, speaking of porn, there's this huge imposing building on 14th and Mission, I pass it on my way downtown, it looks pretty run down, broken windows, graffiti everywhere. It used to be an armory, but what is it going to be now? Kink.com just bought it, and it's going to be where they film their bondage films from now on, click here for the story at sfgate.com. Apparently hardly any renovations are needed, being run down and old as it is, things like dark, dirty hallways filled with rats are the perfect accent to an S&M film.
I need to blow my nose, so I'll leave you with this thought:
If I get sick today, touch something, get better and touch that thing again, will I get infected again?
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Great Flickr Batman!

I love how the cow's just so "Baroo?" with the gorg mountains in the back.
Saturday, January 20, 2007

By the way, I took these pictures the old fashioned way by standing in a stop and rotating my body, snapping shots as I move, coming home and putting them in photoshop and syncing them up, so that should explain the light patches or when the ripples in the water don't match up. I'm really starting to realise that my crappy Coolpix 3100 is actually a damn good camera. Even if I overpaid for it.
Sewing Project!
Well turns out I wasn't going to pay $60 for curtains I had to iron on the stupid things that you put the rod through to hang them, I should probably know the name for that stupid stupid thing, being an I.D. student and all, but I honestly can't be bothered to think or look it up. Figure it out people. Anyway, way overpriced, not at all cute, I was not having it, so I walked over to the fabric section and found some fabrics that I really like and ended up buying three yards of one fabric, and a yard each other three others, so I could make my own damn curtains for nothing. I thought they were pretty damn cute:
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Oh Moo-ness continues...
Oh the sorrow...
I don't have a teapot,
Short or stout,
I have a jar,
With no spout.
When my tea gets steamed up,
I just pout,
I need a teapot,
Help me out!
Seriously, I am too stingy to buy a teapot, but I complain that I don't have one, I'm just good like that.
Some pictures of my jarpot:
Moo got pissed and "meowy" while I was taking pictures of my jarpot-teajar, so I retaliated by taking a picture of her.
Another sunny day in San Francisco!
Speeding through the GG!
The barrage of postages begin...
Green up your life! This one of the many posters appearing around SF urging you to green up your life for the betterment of the earth. Read it, absorb it, do it.

Full service shopping...
So in I shuffled into this huge bright store, not sure what I was in for, and started perusing (the only word to use), saw alot of people working there, dressed very nice, and one older man in a full suit walking around with a woman telling her that they really didn't have coats anymore since it's almost Spring and would she be interested in something else? On I went and some of the stuff was a little "mature lady", but some of the stuff was interesting, and I picked up a dress to try on. There's this huge cylinder in the middle of the store that turned out to be the changing rooms, as I walked towards the entrance, one, then two people started walking towards me as if to help me, one of them being the aforementioned man who seemed to have seniority because the other lady stopped short, stared at him and backed up to what she was doing.
In he took me into the "changing room area" and another lady popped out of no where and asked me if I wanted a bottle of water while I tried on my clothes. The man put my clothes in a changing room, smiled and walked away, while the other lady asked me what I was looking for. I replied a dress, for a wedding, no black, not too revealing and had to hit me at the knee, no higher, no lower. I tried on the dress I picked out, and ooh, no this won't work, too much boob, you could see my bra from basically every angle, and I do not go braless for any reason and do not have any of those specially designed bras for these kinds of dresses, I hardly wear dresses, why buy a $60 bra to wear once a year? So it was out, I heard a knock at my door and there was the changing room assistant with three other dresses, I only wanted to try one of them, so I did, and it was the one, wine colored, with an empire waist satin sash and hit me right at the knee, I opened to door the find her hovering outside, told her I wanted it and of we went to the cashier where she handed me off to someone else.
Okay, this is where I got realy happy. The original tag price was $148, then it got marked down to $74.99, then to $59.99. I could deal with a sale dress at $60, but when she priced it, it was $37.99. Woohoo. Cheap dress, happy me.
Oh yeah, and during that day I bought a CD and now I realise how much I like happy French music.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
More car-aaaazyness
Click the white box a few times and hopefully the movie will work, if not, go to: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1735369
Okay, this is getting redonkulous
Here are just a few...
Moo-Raka sleeping on my bed in front of the window.