Sunday, April 08, 2007

Blogging And The City...

So I have spent the last nine hours watching Sex and the City online while also working on my classwork in CAD. Which worked out great, I actually powered through and got one of my projects completely moved from paper to computer and I was able to listen to the show and switch back and forth between windows whenever I felt like it (and pause, rewind and fastforward at my will, oh my!) The only problem is that now that I've been watching a SATC marathon, I'm filled with this sense of longing and weird happiness. Longing because obviously every episode has to do with the love & lustrelationships of characters involved and also because I can't believe how much bullshit I bypassed by dating a guy like W.

Another problem with watching that show is that it has an omnipresent narrative that is also a writer, and therefore gets my mind clicking and I'm suddenly filled with the urge to type to the world, which actually happens quite often, before it was You've Got Mail that got me going. And luckily, now that I have a blog, I can just post this and if people read it, so be it, instead of how I used to send my word out to my little world, by writing an e-mail and imposing my insanity upon everyone by having it pop up in their mailbox, unless they junked me, which I totally understand. I've actually written to a few people explicitly telling them not to send me anymore forwards, since I was so damn sick of opening up my email inbox and getting the same stupid outdated forward about sodium laureth sulphate making my hair fall out and giving me cancer. One particular email was actually really bitchy, and though now I think of it, I could have dealt with that situation in a more adult and civil fashion, bitchy got the job done. But I still try to refrain nowadays. Sadly W usually gets the brunt of my bitchiness...

Why did no one tell me a new Diner Dash came out? I was completely obsessed with this game two years ago one vacation at home (it was way too hot to leave the house), and I actually made it to the last level on the original downloadable Diner Dash, but could finish the game because I just wasn't fast enough on that last level. Sad to think that I still want that unattainable goal. Sometimes I just have to shake my head and sigh at my own antics...

G'nite folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bloggy Blog Bloger Pants
Oh how I love you and the blogyness that is your sole.