Sunday, May 20, 2007

Beauuuutiful Girl....

Damn song... My sister played me this "old style/reggae song with a twist" the other day, and of course, being as catchy as it is, and as one-track-mind as I am, I can't get the damn song out of my mind. And on top of that, I need to through all this U.S. bull-junky that I honestly hate. Stupid forms, with their stupid constant questions and with the system so messed up with the buying of the PIN to the scheduling of the appointment, to the RED TEXT that of course is a "something to take note of" but mostly what it does is scare the shit out of me and cause me to have a near panic attack. That red text is something that I'm supposed to have, well, what if I don't have it? Like proof of payment for my SEVIS I-20? I'm sure I did it, if not, SEVIS would for sure be up my ass asking for some cash for their boleta, but I have recieved nothing since the first time they introduced SEVIS, so what now U.S. Embassy in Thailand? What NOW bitch? Ugh. Honestly, the last time I was this panicked, it was when I realised the hadn't gotten my I-20 signed the DAY BEFORE I WAS GOING TO TRAVEL. Sorry for the caps with the combination of bold there, was completely necessary to make my point.

So right now I'm installing the printer at my parent's place onto my computer
so that I can print out the stupid confirmation page that appeared when I made my appointment for my visa 8am. Meaning I must be there at 7:30am. Which is fine since I'm still jetlagged and waking up at a hearty 3:30am. Meanwhile I'm still singing the song, which although a nice song by..uh...*quick research* Sean Kingston, (the song can be heard at his myspace page it's just a little weird to be singing "suicidal, suicidal" when I'm truely feeling somewhat near that right now...printer installed.

P.S. Do you see the color issues I'm having? After the whole red text thing, I have no way of changing it back to default. So I"m leaving it as a reminder to never do that again. And also because I still haven't figured out how to change it to default.

1 comment:

Subliminal Transmission said...

I hate all the hassle to do with embassy regulations/paperwork or anything of the kind. It stresses me out.

But it's good to know you're back in Bangkok. Frankly, I'm quite jealous esp. with all the exams and immigration stuff I'm gonna have to be looking into after this semester's done.

Anyhow, please do a lot of shopping on my behalf.