Here we are again...
I just finished watching the second disc of the last season of Sex and the City, and as usual, I'm in a melancholy state. Especially after all that 'wrapping up' emotional stuff in the last few scenes, honestly, it's heart-wrenching to see people so happy after so much turmoil, even if it isn't real. Like Miss Potter? Cried my eyes out. The whole movie, just cried and cried and cried. And even though I was so happy for her in the end I kept thinking OH NORMAN! WHYYYYY!
I guess the melancholy state comes from my lack of that "core" group of friends that I can see and hang out with regularly, everyone's just so spread out all over this big world, it's obviously so hard to keep in touch with everyone, much less tell them everything that's going on with your life, since they're probably bored to death with your tails of how emotional you get from watching a show.
Well, if that's how you feel about what I'm talking about, you probably stopped reading after the first couple of lines.
Well, this isn't real melancholy anyway, just a distant sense of longing, it's hard to find friends like the ones I had in high school, I've just known them for so long, and they know me and all my flaws and it's gotten to the point where my long list of flaws are past annoying and more funny. Like my tendency to ignore whoever I'm with if there's any alternative stimuli, like a television, radio or shiny object. With my mouth wide open of course.
I guess my headache isn't really helping matters, I've had a head cold for the past few days, and I'm just getting over it, but I've got this headache that feels like dehydration, but I can pretty much down so much water before I start feeling sick, but the headache remains, throbbing lightly, just enough to make me want to squash my head in.
In other news I have made the switch from IE to Firefox. I suggest you do the same because it's just so much faster, and even though it's a little different in the look of the toolbars, it's generally the same and it hasn't once frozen or slowed or crashed on me.
So the lessons of this post? I'm a headachey, slightly sad Carrie Bradshaw addict that is telling you, download Firefox. Now.