Sunday, June 01, 2008

Another Day...

Sorry folks, no pictures this time - and I use the term "folks" pretty darned loosely, I figure there's probably one, maybe even two regular readers at this point, possibly due to my lack of posting, or interesting subjects, but also possibly due to the fact that no one has time. Much like myself.

I honestly haven't taken many photos after the family excursion to Saraburi, I've been filling time with other things, mostly catching up on the sleep that I missed out on this past semester, watching episode after episode of 30 Rock (which I highly recommend everyone to do the same), and FINALLY, after almost 24 years on this earth, learning how to open a Mongkut fruit without completely mashing the whole thing to bits.

No shopping to be done, nothing that I really need to do except my school work which I have successfully perfected in procrastinating. But I'm slowly guilting myself into doing some work here and there, so it's getting done, just...slowly.

Will post pictures of my excursions, if I happen to go on any!


yoni said...

Hey Asha. If you want to know who reads your site I recommend you use Google Analytics. More interestingly you will learn what key-words people plug into google to accidentally arrive at your site. My site for instance, is frequented several times a week by people looking for 'Qingdao prostitues' or other similar variations. Some friends have suggested I capitalise on my top google ratings, but then I haven't much experience with business.

Asha said...

I guess I missed the post where you talk about prostitutes, and to think, I was JUST thinking about how your blog was lacking in hooker-talk.