Monday, November 13, 2006

Good Music and Stupid Updates

So, I'm honestly too lazy to go through again and format the pictures from Big Sur, so I'll eventually post them on Flickr and you can watch the elephant seal video right here, very interesting shimmy:

He's actually shuffling towards a juvenile elephant seal, if you can't see him, see that dark spot in the middle of the screen? That's the shadow cast by his head. The great thing is, he is either shimmying to shoo the juvenile off or to (as the volunteer guy said) "make it" with the juvenile. Luckily the little sucker got away, unfortunately I didn't get video of that.

In other news, I installed the newest windows update and now I have Internet Explorer 7 and let me tell you, it's annoying. I wonder how long I can use my IE v.6 before it becomes defunct.

And then...Just wanted to let you good folks know what kind of music I play on my iPod. Here's something that I pulled up today, I always feel happy when listening to this song. So here's "Captain Kirk" by Bob Schneider:

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