I have this big project due on Wednesday, it's 11:56AM on Monday, I've got time, but no drive. I don't want to work on the project right at this moment so I decided to post.
Today I will post:
-Bitching statements about my back pain
-Elephant seal videos
-Big Sur pictures
-Anything else that comes to mind later
First off...I'm going to throw in a curve ball and mess up the order because I must complain about my back NOW. It's in PAIN. I have no idea why, and I didn't bring my pain/aching balm with me to school because I was in a hurry this morning and Moo kept attacking my foot randomly, I was constantly looking around corners and doorways this morning to avoid having cat-sized cow attached to my leg intermittently bitting and releasing her claws into my foot. She's really quite a sweet cat, last night when I was sleeping on the couch she nuzzled up to my face and I pet her for quite a while before she fell asleep leaning on my face. Unfortunately the position wasn't too comfortable for me and I was forced to move and which point she used me as a catapult to the ground. But it seems that in the morning Moo takes a little bit of meth or crack or whateve street drug she has hidden in our house and then runs around the house constantly begging for attention even though we attempt to play with her with the toy. She is not amused by said toy.
Now...comics: Ctrl+Alt+Del is one of the comics I enjoy reading every Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat, sometimes it's hilarious and sometimes it flies over my head. That's what happens when you're a sporadic gamer. Here are some recent comics I enjoyed:

I remember when I was playing City of Heroes and morons would join the team, look to see if we had enough for a task force and leave if we didn't have 7. But then there's the idiots that join and go take a shit for and hour without telling us so we're stuck with this player that's just taking up space and of course he's the shooter and the rest of us are defenders. Can't get too far with a team full of defenders on a task force people. Remember that.
After Will explained this whole deal with the Wii and PS3 I realised that this was really funny. And would explain alot.
There's probably more, but I'm too lazy to look for them.
Post to be continued...at some point today.
This post needed more cat pics.
ash - ur back ok??? u been to a doctor????? lower back or upper???? could be kidneys!!!! look after urself!!!! If not I will have to fly all the way over to look after you (need to get an excuse to come asap!!!)
Love ya and miss ya heaps!!!!
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