Sunday, March 23, 2008

Eventful Much...?

So yesterday was a pretty eventful day, a few friends and I had decided a while ago to drive down to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to go take a look around, as it's less than three hours away and we're on Spring Break (supposedly).

And that is where I rediscovered my love of watching jellyfish.
Really, it's so relaxing, how you could not love watching jellyfish? I realize they sting and they're awful and they can kill you without really wanting too, but still, they're so beautiful, especially when they're lit right.

So I've got almost 60 photos from Monterey, and describing the experience would never do it justice, so click here to go take a look at the photos, which I've conveniently put in a separate set for you.

In other news, it was a little before two p.m. when we were in the gift shop, I was looking for a material item to remind me of this trip when there a huge crashing noise and the building shook. For whatever reason my first thought was "Fuck, an enclosure's broken and now we're going to get eaten by a runaway octopus." When in fact it was an empty tour bus that ran into the aquarium. Luckily it hit a column otherwise it would have gone straight through the wall and into a crowd of people including my friends and I.

To say I was freaked out for the remainder of the day is an understatement. Luckily no one got hurt. Since it only happened yesterday, not a lot of details have been released but here's an article from The Herald of Monterey County. We took that as our cue to leave the aquarium and go get lunch. We ate, snapped more photos (some of which are on facebook) and headed back to the bay area.

Enough eventfulness for me to last a while...

1 comment:

yoni said...

1. Great fish pics. I saw some jellyfish yesterday, but they were dead and washed up on the beach. I poked them with broken shells.

2. Interesting story about the bus. How odd. If only the sharks got loose in the local water-ways.